Buuuuueno this morning is a delusion that I threw the other day while looking at the ceiling of my room ... there I go, I want to share with you to give me your opinion and tell me if I say the same thing, or maybe it makes them think or may simply read it and think "I disagree" and write me a comment with reasons, or you may want to lie to the mother, can do Jaaaa, feel free to do so or may valerles mother, I'll post anyway ... here goes.
Have you ever wondered what made the success of the twilight saga? Because if we analyze it in a more objective, because in fact the plot is fairly simple, there's a lump, an end, nothing extraordinary, in fact is a common story, only that something supernatural, in fact I think there is nothing original, absolutely nothing, some minor modifications to the original version we had by Bram Stoker about the vampire, which deep down I think is happening is that somehow we all feel identified with Isabella Swan, some of us feel awkward, little Graceful, like, a family situation that will have it, I do not know, SM, brought together in Bella qualities that all women can feel identified and then passes Isabella toooda dream girl, the cutest boy the institute will fix it, live an incredible amoor yet very pink, please tooodo the guy is what a woman wants, is rich (NOTE: why not say that money is tooodo! But it does help, nor mean I'm materialistic, money is not a priority in my life) is pretty increiiiblemente (NOTE: does not mean I'm superficial) and in addition to everything and most importantly, a gentleman (NOTE: this does mean that something important mi) SM thus follows in the footsteps of Disney and paints a fairy tale to gothic, because Edward Cullen and his clan are vampires Vampires good "ajaa.
But besides all SM you think is spot on to another important point Suup the little matter of the Vampires "eternal youth and perfection" and can not tell me that's not true, because it is an aspect that the human being ever tried to exist this makeup, miracle creams and plastic surgery, really everything is perfect Edward Cullen, have you found it defective? YO SI! haha why am Team Jake but good that we'll discuss another day ...
This criticism does not want you to misunderstand me LOVE Stephenie Meyer's books, not because of its dramatic plot, nor the beautiful love story, is that it won a special place in my shelf, but because I came to reading, this does not say that I started in the reading, because I've always liked, I've read since childhood, has always fascinated me, but SM's books showed me some new stories, they pulled me back into that habit so beautiful it is to read, because he had been leaving and not even I remember the reason why they won their place.
But I must say that I think are too pink for me, SM had a very good plot, even the third book I liked even if Isabella will not stay with my Jake, I liked the plot was fine, that's when he decided to give a perfect ending in Breaking Dawn when he threw everything overboard. (In my opinion)
"Love is sacrifice and my Isabella did not sacrifice anything, I said a half-truth to Charlie and thereby could remain next to his family, could be a mother and so she did not die todooo beautiful and has a daughter going to live forever, a husband suuuper handsome, a new family that supports it, you start to get along with Rosalie and Jasper (With that I have nothing against) but to me what was the worst thing was what Jake and Nessie, that's really the perfect end gives no SM, I would have preferred a simple plot wedding Bella vampire, honeymoon, year neophyte, still hard but tooodos helping and she overcame, Vulturis checking that everything is in order, Jake llendose away and falling in love with this stranger in the park told us SM (I do not understand why he did if it was not) and you.
really would have made me very happy, but in the end I think the success of these books is that, a fairy tale in which they lived happily ever after, is applied to the letter Do you guys think?
CLARIFIED: I write about this story because I love the characters and each of them I see a huge potential, I write about them because somehow I am not satisfied with the end and because of all the stories I like, this is the easiest to manipulate, re-write, because it is very simple, everything is very simple. Anyway
Thanks to Stephenie Meyer for creating some amazing characters, engaging in all with a book, and attract many young people into the habit of reading, which is why your books have earned a special place in my shelf and your characters one in my crazy mind willing to change your story and a very special place in my heart!
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