Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The Boulevard celebrates 50 years in the neighborhood of Zaramaga

Zaramaga's birthday. Zorionak!.

Meets 50, an age in which the neighborhood, like people, has reached maturity, but an age which at present can be lived with full intensity if accompanied by health and health not missing from the neighborhood Zaramaga. Over these 50 years the neighborhood has undergone a significant evolution, not only in the urban aspect. This neighborhood is characterized by a very active neighborhood movement that has helped bring about change and better. It has always been a neighborhood with a major business and hospitality, thanks to a handful of entrepreneurs eager to make things right. It is a lively district, where the close relationship between the neighbors is evident in the street and where exactly it has begun to see more and more young couples with children, and hopefully in the near future are many more.

the next day to 6 can enjoy a Nodal Square shows us about the Caja Vital Kutxa and recreates the neighborhood 50 years through 65 interesting photographs.
This route has since black and white images of an enclave born of the need to under the new labor force in the period of greatest industrial growth in the city, to snapshots of recent years, with construction of The Boulevard.

And you, how you think the neighborhood in 10 years?.


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