Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pain In Leg From Chlamydia

The restless muse

I have almost 2 months in the UCR. I am taking the block my career full of classical philology, so except Humanities (General Studies, which is absolute crap because of philosophy), took matters very Tuanis ...

    Basic Latin
  • I Say, which will only be the language of the Romans. example because the phrase I have in my MSN; Veros amico in adverse fortune videbamus (found true friends in adverse fortune.)
  • Introduction to Philology: What is philology, how and why it started ...
  • Ancient History: Basically a bunch of old civilizations that arose / existed between prehistory and the Middle Ages.
  • Literary Theory: As far as I understand is why he began to study literature as a science, etc. Except
History, all I have to do is pay attention in class and pray to God that I still remember the time I get tested. So it's pretty easy.

In other areas such as Humanities and History I have to do weekly homework assignments that serve only to make me lose big time (eg now, I'm doing a summary of the ancient civilizations of India) ... And even with the fact that I'm pretty busy / tired, my muse is inspired by creating stories, and ideas for novels / stories more and more crazy. He currently is hovering around one of a Donna who travels through time to past erratically. But all I could think ... seriously so.

As for going crazy, because ironically come at a time when I'm busy and also a half-story (yes, Montmartre Board is still pending, and others out there), and of course as Murphy's Law (bastard, that law applies to me as well ¬ ¬) I can think of anything but complete the already begun ...

What are you going to do: P

is the hard life of the amateur writers like me ...

NE, for now I will follow the summary and maybe tomorrow JM write a little ... will have to see how I feel.


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