Monday, May 18, 2009

Measurements For A 36dd

fragile and definitely, I assure you I have it very clear .... 2 +2 = 5 right?

Dear readers, dear imaginary readers say there are too many blogs and do not follow me here or Dioss .....
back to the subject: Dear
often nonexistent readers believe, affirm, swear, swearing, write, comment and make sure that something is a certain way and then realize that we got along all right. Sometimes we affirm and all the string of verbs and then we realize we were wrong. I wrote all my life
CARABELA with V and you see, I was wrong. but that's not the case nor the source of this issue.
came to my class today as usual on all working days, just in time. I who loved TIMELINESS, except when I hate, I have my reasons for coming just before the ringing lately announcing five and half hours of monotony.
and is that not tell you who lubrera (EDUARDO begins and ends with SUBDIRED OF THE COLLEGE MI) has occurred is that as much fuss can not we set up a class until the teacher, then of course it sounds the timbre. which makes us lose about fifteen minutes of class, so do not complain, of course. GREAT BUT has abolished minutes before ringing the bell, before being with nigun class teacher but in the ideal time to complete some unfinished exercise, studying for an exam, etc, etc. that I complain. After class
language and holding white socks for me when I approached GinĂ¡sio looking for my bag to where I thought, having left swore, that despite wearing a shirt with a pint of albino passes (pass because it is wrinkled and albino because the uniform is white shirt) take clean socks. and there was, or rather was NOT the reason why today I put a zero in gymnastics ...
but that is not the reason to write this whole paragraph, and now, you have the right to ask what it is. as simple: it's Monday, the day that most people hate and that inexplicabemente, this year I love. Today is Monday, I'm bored and I wanted to write something. What better why else?


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