Monday, January 16, 2006

Pokemon For The Macbook

The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway - the story in Spanish

Along with Part 1 and Part 2 the English translation of the letters of the legendary album "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway " Genesis I published on this blog recently, in 1990 I found the task of translating the story of the album that came inside the double album, when you opened it up the middle.

This story, like the letters are all owned by Peter Gabriel. This is just a English translation for the purpose of disseminating the work of Genesis and in particular Peter Gabriel, who wrote all the lyrics of the album and the story you will read below.

Keep your fingers out of my eye. As I write, I like looking glass butterflies are around all the walls. People in my memory are pinned I do not remember events very well, but I am writing one for him crumble, decompose and feed another sort of life. The event in question is fully biodegradable material and categorized as 'Rael'. Rael hates me, I like Rael, "yes, even ostriches have feelings, but our relationship is something we are both learning to live. A Rael likes a good time, I like a good rhyme, but I will be directly over-he hates me being around. So, if this story is not understood, I could lend a hand, (do you understand?) (This is why the rhyme is planned, silly).

The needle jumps flaming red. New York pulled out of his bed. Weary guests are invited to leave the warmth of all-night theater, having slept on films that others only dream ñe; an. The extras that have not been paid disturb the Sleeping Broadway. WALK DO NOT WALK left to right: Broadway directions are not so bright. Autofantasmas keep pace for the race early bird taxi drivers mobile.

Enough of this, our hero climbs up the subway stairs into the light of day. Behind his leather jacket has a spray gun that has left the RAEL message in large letters on the wall down. It may not mean much to you but to Rael it is part of the process leading to 'make a name for yourself. " When you're not Puerto Rican or a purebred ñe; or life becomes difficult, and it comes out stronger than you.

With casual sideways glances along the street, he checks the motion in the vapor seeking potential obstruction. Without seeing any, strode across to the sidewalk, past the drugstore Feverfew being removed to reveal the smile of the girl in the toothpaste, passes the ladies of the night and Patrolman Frank Leonovich passes (48, married, two children ) who is standing in the doorway of the wig shop. Leonovich Patrolman Rael looks the same way as other troopers look at it, and Rael only esconde que está escondiendo algo. Mientras tanto desde fuera del vapor un cordero yace. Este cordero no tiene nada que ver con Rael, o con ningún otro cordero -sólo yace en Broadway.

El cielo está cubierto y mientras Rael mira hacia atrás una nube oscura está decendiendo como un globo en Times Square. Se posa en el suelo y toma la forma de una superficie lisa de bordes duros, la cual se solidifica y extiende hacia el Este y Oeste a lo largo de la Calle 47 y llegando hasta el cielo oscuro. Mientras la pared levanta su tensión se vuelve una pantalla que muestra en tres dimensiones lo que había existido al otro lado tan sólo un momento antes. La imagen flamea y entonces se resquebraja como arcilla pintada y la pared se mueve hacia forward silently, absorbing everything in its path. The unsuspecting New Yorkers are apparently blind to what is happening.

Rael starts to run toward Columbus Circle. Every time you dare to take a look, the wall has moved another block. By the time he thinks he is keeping his distance from the wall, the wind blows hard and cold slowing down. The wind increases, dries the wet street and picks up dust from the surface, throwing it in the face of Rael. More and more dust is lifted by the wind and begins to settle on the skin and clothing Rael, making a solid layer that gradually leads to a terrible stillness. A sitting duck.

The moment of impact silence and bursts into a roar of sound, the second end is prolonged in a world of echoes as if the concrete and clay of Broadway itself was reliving his memories. The last great march passes. The news man is weak as a whimper as audience and event are bound as one. Bing Crosby (sings) "You do not have to feel pain to sing the blues, do not have to (holla)-do not have to feel anything in your dollar collar." Martin Luther King shouts, "Everybody sing!" and ta ñe; and the big, old Liberty Bell. Leary, weary of his prison cell, walks in the sky, speaks in hell. JFK gives Okay to shoot, sipping Orange Julius and Brutus Limón. The bare-chested cowboy (garnish) double to triple champion. Who needs Medicare and the rate of 35 ¢ when Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are dancing through the air? From Broadway Melody stereotypes the band returns to 'Stars and Stripes' bringing a tear to which the moon shines, who has been pouring his spirit out of the silence illegal. ñe; You start in the corridor you clean the noisy box to save money and grab his lucky dollar bill. Then fainting.

Rael regains consciousness in a half light musk. He is warmly wrapped in some kind of Capua. The only sound you can hear is dripping water, which seems be the source of light flickering pale. He thinks it should be in some sort of lunatic cave or tomb, or catacomb, or eggshell waiting to fall from the bone as the ñe; enters. Whatever it is, feels serene, very clean and happy as a mu eco ñe; well kept with hot water in your belly, then why bother to know what it means? Resigning themselves to the unknown is drawn into the dream o. ñe;

rose in a cold sweat and a strong urge to vomit. No signals were ñe; of Capua and can not see the cave about him. There is much more brilliant water dripping from the ceiling and stalactites and stalagmites are forming and decomposing at an incredible speed all around. As fear and shock register, he assures himself that the self will provide some security, but his thought is abandoned as the stalactites and stalagmites are intertwined in a fixed position, forming a cage whose bars are moving toward him. In a moment a flash of light and he sees an infinite network of cages all tied by a rope-like material. While the rocky bars press Rael's body, he sees his heman John outside, looking in.. John's face is motionless despite screams for help, but in his vacant expression a drop forms and blood runs down her cheek. Then he goes calmly leaving Rael to face the pains that begin to cover his body. However, just as John is lost sight of the cage dissolves and Rael is spinning like a top.

When all this revolution comes to an end, sits in a highly polished floor while his dizziness fades away. Is an empty modern hallway and selling dolls to sue mu ñe; ñe; you are sitting on the desk. Without asking his speech begins: "This is the Long March Packaging dead, those whom you are about to see are all packed into service, except for a small ñe; to amount of our new product in the second gallery. It is all the food required to cover the company's existing arrangements. Different batches are distributed to area operators, and there are abundant opportunities for the large investor. They range from the expensive conditioning reasonable care to the most malnourished. We find here that all eyes will agree to them. Except for the low market malnourished, each comes with a guarantee of successful birth and childhood without problems. There are, however, only a small amount of potential ñe; to variable selection, not far from the average differential. You see, the roof has predetermined the limits de acción de cualquier grupo de paquetes, pero los indivíduos pueden salirse del camino si sus diversiones son contrabalanceadas por otros."

Mientras merodea a lo largo de la línea de paquetes, Rael nota una familiaridad en algunas de sus caras. El finalmente se encuentra con algunos miembros de su antigua pandilla y se preocupa por su propia seguridad. Corriendo fuera del piso de la fábrica, alcanza a ver a su hermano John con un número 9 estampado en la parte posterior de su cabeza.

Nadie parece emprender la persecusión, y con las caras familiares frescas en su mente procede a reconstruir su antigua vida, encima de la tierra -Demasiado tiempo era una cosa que no necesitaba, así que solía recortarlo con a bit of speed. I was under better circumstances dead slow in the head. His mom and dad had taken a walk mounted on his back, so it was quick to join the gang. Only after a spell in Pontiac reformatory was given respect in the gang. Now, walking back home after a raid, he was stroking a porcupine sleeping. That night he pictured the removal of his hairy heart and to the accompanying ñe; Organization chart very romantic music he saw being shaved by a blade of stainless steel to be clean. The palpitating cherry-red organ was returned to its rightful place and began to beat more strongly as he guided our hero, not counting time through his first romantic encounter.

He returned from his memories confused the place where it was previously jammed. This time person discovers a long carpeted hallway. The walls are painted with red ocher and are marked by extra badges ñe; as some that look like a target, other birds and boats. Further down the corridor, you can see some people, all kneeling. With broken sighs and murmurs they struggle, in slow motion to move towards a wooden door at the end. Having seen only the inanimate bodies in the Long March of lifeless Packaging, Rael rushes to talk to them.

"What?" The monk yells grumble ñe; On, who conceals a yawn and replies "So much time for the dawn." A sphinx-shaped reptile calls him by his name saying "Do not ask, the monk is drunk. Each of us is trying to reach the top of the stairs, waiting for us out there." Without asking how they can move freely, our hero boldly through the door. Behind a table full of food, is a spiral staircase that rises to the ceiling.

At the top of the stairs is a room. It is almost a hemisphere with many doors along the entire circumference. There is a big crowd piled into several groups. In the shouting, Rael learns that there are 32 doors, but only one leads out. Their voices will become stronger and stronger until Rael screams "Shut up!" There is a momentary silence and then found as the focus as they direct their advice and orders to his newly found recruit. Raised in the trash, feeding on ash the master of the puzzle have to move faster. Rael has been a quiet corner and rushes toward him. He stops near a middle-aged woman with pale skin who is quietly talking to each other. He discovers that she is blind and asking for a guide "What good is a guide if it has nowhere go? "Rael asked." I have a place to go, "she replies," if you take me through the noise, I plowed ñe; teaching. I am a creature of the caves and I follow the direction of the breezes blow. "

the phone through the room and leave the crowd, who fired his departure for sure that will fracazar. When you go through the door, woman leads Rael down the tunnel. The room light soon fades and despite her confident step Rael often stumble in the dark.

After a long walk to what Rael sores considered a large round cave, and she speaks for the second time asking him to sit. It feels like a cold stone throne.

"Rael, sit here. They will come soon for you. Do not be afraid." And explain just dissipates. He faces his fear again.

A tunnel is lit on the left, and he begins to shake. As it grows brighter, he hears a metallic hum. The light is getting painfully bright, reflecting as white on the walls until your vision is lost in a sort of snow blindness. Panics, fumbles around for a stone and throws it into the brightest. The sound of breaking glass echoes everywhere of the cave.

As your vision is restored enough to see two balloons gold about a foot in diameter moving away flitting through the tunnel. When they disappear, a resounding crunch dries () through the roof, and it falls all around. Our hero is trapped once again.

"This is" he thinks, failing to try to move some of the fallen rocks. There's not much spectacle for a creole (criollo) underground as you walk through the gates of Sheol. "I would rather have been ejected in a thousand pieces in space, or filled with helium and floated in a mausoleum. This is no way of paying my debts nostalgic past. Anyway I'm out of the hands of any pervert embalmer doing his interpretation of how I look, filling my cheeks with cotton. "

Exhausted by all this conjecture, our hero gets the opportunity of a lifetime to meet his hero: Death. Death is wearing a light disguise, she did same. He calls it the "Supernatural Anesthetist." A Death, like meeting people and want to travel. Death comes to Rael with snuff bottle, take a big mouths, and seems happy to move away from the wall.
Rael touches
his face to confirm he is still alive. Discards death as an illusion, but an essence musk note floating in the air. It moves to the corner where the essence is stronger, discovering a crack in the stone through which you are entering. He tries to move the stones and eventually open a hole big enough to be crossed on all fours. The perfume is even stronger on the other side and sets out to find its origin, with a newfound energy.

finally reaches a very ornate pink-water pool. It is profusely decorated with gold inlays. The walls around the pool are covered with velvet or caste ñe; which honeysuckle is growing. In the mist on the water are a series of curls. Three snake-like creatures are swimming towards Rael. Each reptilian creature has the diminutive head and breasts of a beautiful woman. Her horror turns passion as their soft green eyes show their welcome. The Lamia invite you to enjoy fresh water and rapidly enters the pool. As soon as he swallows some liquid, a pale blue luminescence drips from your skin. The Lamia lick the liquid; very delicate as it begins, with each new contact, he feels the need to give more and more. They soban his flesh until his bones appear to melt, and when you feel you can not go further, nibble your body. Taking the first drop of his blood, his eyes turn black and their bodies are shaken. Stunned by the helpless passion he watches as his lovers die. In a desperate attempt to get what's left of them in his body, he takes them and eats their bodies, and struggle to leave the nest of her lovers.

Leaving by the same door from which he had entered, is a kind of ghetto of monsters on the other side. When you reach street to see all distorted figures burst into laughter. One of the colony approaches him. It is grotesque in every way, a mixture of ugly lumps and many ñe; ones. His lips slip across his chin and smiles at you ñe; to welcome and offers a slippery handshake. Rael is a little disappointed when the Slipperman revealed that the colony has gone through one by one and the same glorious romantic tragedy with the same three Lamia, who regenerate themselves each time, and now Rael share your physical appearance and shadowy fate.

Among the twisted faces of men Slipperman, Rael recognizes what remains of his brother John. They hug each other, John explained bitterly that Slipperman entire life is dedicated to meeting the endless hunger of the senses, which has been inherited from the Lamia. There is only one escape route, a dreaded visit to the remarkable Doktor Dyper who will remove the source of the problems, or to put it less politely, castrate.

They discuss the cheating ñe; osamente named escape for a long time and decide to go together to visit the Doktor. Survive the test and they are given their offensive weapons in plastic tubes yellow gold chains. "People usually wear them around their necks," said the Doktor handing. "The short operation does not necessarily exclude the use of the facility again for short periods, but of course when you want it, should tell us enough time." As the brothers talked about their new situation, a large black crow flies in the cave, rushes upon them, grabs Rael's tube of his hands and has been flying at its peak. Rael asks John who accompanied ñe; e.

And he answers "I will not chase a black raven. Here below you should read and obey the omens. There's disaster where the raven flies." Then once again leaving his brother John.

The bird leads Rael down a tunnel, he seems to allow you to maintain a close distance. But as Rael thinks you could almost reach the bird, the tunnel opens and ends in a hollow ground. Coincidentally, the raven drops his precious load in storm water below. It's enough to turn a poor boy crazy. Displaying

the dangers of steep cliff, our courageous hero is powerless and angry looks. Keep a small ñe; or road runs along the top, and go up and down the tube in the water as the swift current carries it away. However, while passing through a corner Rael sees a sky light on it, apparently formed in the bank. Through it you can see the green grass of home, well not exactly, you can see Broadway. His heart, now a little bristly, is shaken by a wave of joy and starts running with open arms, towards the exit. Just at that moment in time his ears pick up a voice screaming for help. Someone is struggling in the rapids below. It's John. He pauses for a moment remembering how his brother had left him. Then the window begins to fade, it's time for action.

He rushes towards the cliff and down the rock crawling. It takes much longer to reach the water, trying to keep pace with the flow at the same time. As it nears the water's edge sees John losing strength. Dives into the cold water. At first it is thrown onto the rocks, and pulled down a fast moving channel, which takes you down the river in front of John. Rael manages to grab a rock to the surface and get air. When John goes, Rael is released again and grabs his arm. John beats to make you lose consciousness and then hugging together, is carried away by the rapids to the slow water, where you can swim to safety.

But while dragging the limp body of his brother to the bed and banks will hopefully see her eyes looking for signals of life are ñe;. Staggers of fear, because looking con los ojos bien abiertos no está la cara de John -sino la suya. Rael no puede dejar de mirar esos ojos, hipnotizado por su propia imagen. En un movimiento rápido, su estado de conciencia se precipita de una cara a la otra, entonces de regreso una vez más, hasta que su presencia no está ya sólidamente contenida en uno u otro.

En esta estado fluído él observa a ambos cuerpos delineados en amarillo y el paisaje que los rodea fundiendose en una bruma púrpura. Con un torrente repentino de energía que sube por ambas columnas vertebrales, sus cuerpos, de igual forma, finalmente se disuelve en la bruma.

Todo esto tiene lugar sin ninguna puesta de sol, sin ninguna campana sonando y sin ninguna flor cayendo the sky. Still fills everything with its mysterious intoxicating presence. It's finished for you.

Copyright Peter Gabriel 1974


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