Saturday, September 8, 2007

Wma-plugin Nero 7 Ultra Edition

Alejandro Witker, a constant advocate of cultural and historical heritage of Ñuble

Professor Alejandro Witker is a man who has left traces in the region of Bío Bío. His name is recognized from the time he was a student of Liceo Narciso Men Tondreau of Chillán.

a doctorate in history at the University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200band his career was a university professor in Chile and Mexico.

During the military regime was imprisoned on Dawson Island and then went into exile in Mexico, where the love and admiration for Chile emerged stronger.

has published a series of books that collects research on culture Chile, and local history, and essays on politics and society. His work has been recognized through various awards which have marked cultural organizations, educational and municipalities.

The students of the School of Chillán Javiera Carrera Verdugo Alejandro Witker interviewed and was asked about various topics, including his childhood, the period he lived in Mexico and his vision of the Chilean youth in their interest culture and history. In this interesting interview, Alejandro Witker calls the community to love and be proud of the historical and cultural heritage Ñuble, while calling on the authorities to exercise the role of guarantors of the self.
also highlights the figures of Claudio Arrau and Marta Colvin and discusses the vision that is today the hero Bernardo O'Higgins, criticizing the view that television is offering on his person, away from the historical image Witker respects, knows and longs to be admired by all Chileans.

Check Interview

Jorge Vaccaro Collao

Friday, September 7, 2007

Purple Spots Inner Thighs

Jorge Vaccaro: "Radio is a collection of our history"

Chillan is a renowned businessman of broadcasting. His father was the creator of "Radio cloudy," said a local station for decades as the main body of communication between the inhabitants of rural communities and those living in the city of Chillán.

For Jorge Vaccaro communications are your strong side, and thus has been linked with new technology the company developed Redtel, oriented to the area of \u200b\u200binformation technology and especially internet and software.

But Jorge Vaccaro is also a city councilman of Chillán, and its public service role has been particularly interested in education, and other topics related to their professional work.

The students of the Escuela José María Caro interviewed Jorge Vaccaro to learn more about him, looking into three profiles, such as personal appearance, his public life and contingency issues related to the height of new technologies.

The interview was very enjoyable and the guest took to advise students about the future, and motivated them to be enterprising and persevering in life.

Check Interview

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Streaming Taken English

Patricio Araya, the human side of a football player

Ñublense 's presence in the Chilean Primera Division, and the interest that sport has resulted in younger patients was students of the School of Chillán Canoes interviewing Patricio Araya, Chilean professional football player.

Patricio Araya was also taken over the Escuela Las Canoas, so is very aware of events within the educational unit and is very popular among principals and teachers.

In the interview, Patricio Araya talks about his life, the duties and responsibilities acarrera profession, Ñublense and future projections of an athlete.

To hear this interview go to the following address:

Monday, September 3, 2007

Florida's License Templet

School Blog Project Online Radio


Through this site we want to invite the online community that tunes this podcast to discuss the schedule that we developed for the Exploration Project in Computer Education School On Line Radio.

RDIO School Project On Line runs in the city of Chillán, Chile, in three schools of municipal education. Is performed by eighth grade students basic (13 years) and supported by two teachers by establishing the links co-ordinator and professor of language and comunicaicón.

invite surfers to visit our official website to learn More details about this project: and of course, to tune in our broadcasts, which made the following days:

School Javiera Carrera de Chillan,
Interview (13 September) - Radio play (September 11) News (12 September)

Ecuele José María Caro de Chillan,
Interview (Sept. 11) - Radio play (September 12) News (13 September)

School Las Canoas de Chillan,
Interview (September 12) - Radio play (September 13) News (September 11)